G4X Xtremex
The XtremeX is one of Link’s premium ECUs with more inputs, outputs and features.
The XtremeX Has a Built-in E-Throttle And All The Advanced Features Including Anti-Lag, Cruise Control And Traction Control.
With 8 Injector Drives And 8 Ignition Drives, The Xtremex Can Control Up To 4 Rotors Or 8 Cylinders With Sequential Injection And Direct Spark. The Xtremex Is A Great Choice For Professional Level Motorsport Or More Demanding Road Car Applications.
Please Note: For Peak &Amp; Hold Please Contact A Link Ecu Sales Person To Purchase A G4+ Xtreme Ecu.
Requires "A" & "B" Looms For Installation.
If It Is Onboard Digital Wideband Lambda Control You Are After, Consider The Fury.
8/10* X Digital Inputs
4 X Temperature Inputs
11 X Analog Inputs
2 X Trigger Inputs
2 X Knock Inputs
*2 Inputs Required When Using 2Nd Can Bus
8 X Injection Drives
8 X Ignition Drivers
10 X Auxiliary Outputs^
+5V Sensor Power Supply
+8V Sensor Power Supply
^Unused Fuel And Ignition Drives Can Be Used As Additional Aux Outputs
2* X Can Bus
1X Serial (Rs232) Connection
1X USB Tuning Connection
Faster Communications Than G4+ Models
512 Megabytes Data Logging
Dimensions: 185Mm(L) X 130Mm(W) X 40Mm(H) (Without Looms)
Mass: 680Grams